Prague to Host World Chemical Congress on Nobel Anniversary - Focus on Travel News
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Prague to Host World Chemical Congress on Nobel Anniversary

Prague, the historic and vibrant capital of the Czech Republic, is set to celebrate a significant milestone in its scientific history by hosting the World Chemical Congress in 2029. This prestigious event marks the 70th anniversary of the first Nobel Prize awarded to then Czechoslovakia, a testament to the region’s long-standing contributions to the field of chemistry.

In 1959, Professor Jaroslav Heyrovský, a pioneer in chemical research, was awarded the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking discovery of polarography. This method revolutionized the analysis of chemical solutions, marking a significant advancement in the field. The upcoming World Chemical Congress in Prague, organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), aims to honor this historic achievement.

Prague’s selection as the host city was the culmination of a highly competitive process. The city’s proposal triumphed in a secret ballot against other strong contenders, including Chengdu and Taipei in Asia, and Düsseldorf in Germany. This victory is a testament to the city’s enduring legacy and continuing excellence in the chemical sciences.

Professor Pavel Matějka, Rector of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague and Chairman of the congress, expressed his pride in presenting a winning proposal that emphasizes the theme “Frontiers in Chemistry: For the Harmony of Civilization with Nature.” This theme underscores the critical role of chemical production in modern civilization and the need for sustainable practices.

Prague to host World Chemical Congress
Candidacy Presentation in The Hague in August 2023. From the left side – prof. J. Vohlidal, Ing. M. Smetanova and prof. J. Merna

Furthermore, the congress will feature a special symposium on electrochemistry to symbolically celebrate the 70th anniversary of Professor Heyrovský’s Nobel Prize. Prof. Jiří Vohlídal from Charles University, and current Chairman of the Czech Chemical Society, highlights the focus on diminishing the negative impacts of chemical production on nature and natural processes.

In a groundbreaking move, the congress proposal was jointly submitted by the Czech and Slovak Chemical Societies. This collaboration reflects the shared history and tradition of chemistry in the once unified country, illustrating the strong bond and cooperation that continues to thrive in the scientific community.

The Prague Congress Centre will be the venue for this significant event, which not only celebrates Czech science’s illustrious past but also looks forward to future advancements. The congress will provide a platform for the Czech and international chemical community to showcase their latest discoveries and discuss emerging trends in the field.

The congress aligns with Prague’s Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS 3), focusing on sectors where the city excels and produces high-value results. The event promises substantial economic benefits for Prague, drawing approximately 4,000 delegates for a week, and an influx of global expertise in chemistry. This aligns with the city’s strategic direction and contributes to the internationalization of Czech and Slovak science.

The successful bid for the World Chemical Congress was supported by the City of Prague, CzechTourism / Czech Convention Bureau, and C-IN. A specially created video clip was part of the bid, inviting global chemistry personalities to Prague for the event.

In conclusion, the World Chemical Congress in 2029 is not just a celebration of a historic achievement but a forward-looking event that will foster international collaboration, innovation, and the advancement of chemical sciences. Prague’s selection as the host city reaffirms its status as a hub of scientific excellence and its commitment to advancing knowledge for the betterment of society.

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