Gebr. Heinemann duty free

Gebr. Heinemann Withdraws from Tender of Spain’s AENA

Gebr. Heinemann has decided not to submit a bid for the AENA tender, after a thorough examination of the contract under discussion and an intensive conception phase.

This was communicated by the Hamburg-based company to the Spanish airport operating company in a personal conversation today. 

“We appreciate the very professional tendering process that AENA carries out. But it does not correspond with the red lines we defined during the pandemic and which we are not willing to cross,” says co-CEO Raoul Spanger

“Gebr. Heinemann stands for long-term partnerships on equal footing,” adds Chief Sales Officer Florian Seidel.

“Our goal with all partners is to put together the best possible offer for all parties involved – for the airport, for us and also for the traveller. An imbalance at one end of this triangle is not in line with our corporate goals.” 

Another aspect in the decision-making process was the positioning of Gebr. Heinemann through the new mission statement introduced in 2021. “We have made it our vision to turn travel time into valuable time. We promise travellers a spectacular assortment, activating price advantages and unforgettable experiences,” explains Seidel.

“To make this a travel experience in our shops, we also need the flexibility to test different measures. We firmly believe in our business model and in our industry, and that is precisely why we want to invest courageously in innovative formats – time, space and money.”

Gebr. Heinemann is a global retailer and wholesaler in the travel retail market. The Hamburg-based company operates Duty Free and Travel Value shops, brand boutiques and concept stores under licence at international airports, as well as shops at border crossings and on board cruise ships. They also supply airports, airlines, cruise ships and border shops worldwide with a wide assortment of top international luxury brands. “Our unique selling point is that we can offer our customers and partners a wide range of cooperation models – from pure supply to full operation of the retail space, to centre management. We do many things, but not at any price,” says Seidel. 

“Withdrawing from this tender process in no way cashes in on our growth ambitions for this year,” says Spanger.

“We will continue to look closely at each new business opportunity with great interest and commitment.”

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