United Airlines Expands Flights from Munich to the US - Focus on Travel News
United Munich to Denver

United Airlines Expands Flights from Munich to the US

United Airlines (UA) continues to expand its range of flights from Munich to the US. Effective immediately, schedules include two extra routes to the United States.

For the first time in the history of Munich Airport, United is flying from Munich to Denver.

The state capital of Colorado is not only the gateway to the Rocky Mountains but also an important transfer airport for the American airline.

In Denver, passengers can choose from a wide range of connecting flights from United’s route network.

The new transatlantic route will be flown by the Boeing 787-9, one of the most state-of-the-art aircraft in the world. The jets will take off from the Bavarian aviation hub every day at 4:05 pm. 

As well as the new link to Denver, United Airlines is now also offering regular flights from Munich to Houston, Texas, again. These had been suspended since March 13, 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The route will be flown by a Boeing 767-300, taking off from Munich every day at 11:55 am.

This means that United Airlines is now offering six flights from Munich to the US per day – more than before the pandemic.

In addition to Denver and Houston, the airline also serves the US destinations of Chicago, Washington, DC, Newark and San Francisco.

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