World Mental Health Day - Stress

World Mental Health Day Insights: Stress Disrupts Daily Life for 62% Globally

A staggering 78% of individuals globally recognize that mental health is as crucial as physical health. However, a mere 34% feel that their nation’s healthcare systems treat both on an equal footing.

Ipsos’ World Mental Health Day survey, which draws on three years of trend data, reveals that in the past year, 62% of people felt their daily routines were disrupted due to stress. Moreover, 39% had to take a break from work due to stress-induced issues.

The survey, spanning 31 countries, found that while 78% believe their mental health is as vital as their physical health, only 34% say their country’s healthcare systems treat them equally. Interestingly, people think more about their physical health (71%) than their mental wellbeing (58%). Latin America, in particular, showed a higher inclination towards considering mental health, with five of the top six countries hailing from this region.

However, a significant 34% mentioned that stress affected their lives multiple times in the past year. Additionally, 27% felt depressed on several occasions to the point where they couldn’t cope due to stress. The emphasis on mental health has grown so much that it now surpasses other health concerns, even cancer, in global surveys.

Despite the increasing awareness, many feel that their country’s healthcare system doesn’t reflect the importance of mental health. Latin American countries, in particular, showed a lower proportion of people who believe they are treated equally in terms of mental and physical health. In contrast, Asian countries, including Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, and Singapore, showed a higher proportion of people believing in equal treatment for mental and physical health.

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Stress, which has emerged as a significant health concern, has impacted over three-fifths (62%) of people across these countries. A concerning 34% mentioned that they felt stressed multiple times in the past year, affecting their daily lives. Furthermore, 31% felt so overwhelmed by stress that they couldn’t cope or handle situations. This stress also translated to the workplace, with 39% saying they had to take time off work due to stress in the past year.

The study also highlighted gender differences in stress perception. Women were more likely to say stress impacted their life, with 36% of women stating that stress affected their daily life multiple times in the past year, compared to 26% of men. Women also felt more depressed to the point of feeling sad or hopeless. However, when it came to taking time off work due to stress, the numbers were relatively equal between women (20%) and men (17%).

What is stress?

Stress is a natural response of the body and mind to challenges or threats. It can manifest as physical, emotional, or psychological tension. While short-term stress can be beneficial, chronic stress can have detrimental effects on health.


What causes stress?

Stressors can be external, such as work pressures, financial difficulties, or relationship problems. They can also be internal, like chronic illnesses, mental health issues, or personal expectations. The perception of a situation often determines its stress-inducing potential.


How does stress affect the body?

Stress triggers the “fight or flight” response, releasing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. While this can boost energy and focus in the short term, chronic activation can lead to health issues like heart disease, weight gain, and sleep disturbances.


Can stress be beneficial?

Yes, in moderation. Short-term stress can enhance performance, improve focus, and boost motivation. It’s when stress becomes chronic that it becomes problematic.


How can one manage stress?

Techniques vary, but common methods include exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and seeking social support. It’s essential to find what works best for you and incorporate it into your routine.


Are there scientific studies on stress?

Absolutely. Here are three recent research papers on the topic:


“Critical Evaluation of Relative Importance of Stress and Stress Gradient in Whisker Growth in Tin Coatings”. This study delves into the role of stress in the growth of whiskers in tin coatings.


“Surface roughness induced stress concentration”. This paper explores how external forces can cause significant local stresses due to surface roughness.


“Basis functions for residual stresses”. This research focuses on the approximation of stress fields in various bodies.


Can stress lead to other mental health issues?

Chronic stress can be a precursor to anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. It’s crucial to address prolonged stress and seek professional help if needed.

In conclusion, while stress is a natural part of life, understanding its causes, effects, and management techniques can help us navigate its challenges more effectively. Regularly checking in with oneself and seeking support when needed can make a significant difference in overall well-being.

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