Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference Heads to Cairns

Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference Heads to Cairns

Ecotourism Australia has announced that the 27th Annual Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference will be staged in Cairns, Queensland 2-4 December 2019.

The world’s longest running and highly regarded ecotourism conference has a truly global following. It brings together all the key players that contribute to a sustainable industry – the operators, tourism commissions, protected area managers, industry professionals, and researchers. 

The Queensland Government is the major sponsor of the event, and its support once again reflects the priority being placed by the Government on this high-value industry. 

“Flanked by two World Heritage Areas, the Wet Tropic of Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef, Cairns provides us with the perfect setting to bring the leading players in the ecotourism industry together”, said conference convenor Tony Charters AM. 

Ecotourism Australia has also opened up the call for papers. 

The deadline for the submission of offered papers is COB, Friday 31 July 2019 (AEST).


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