8 New Members Join The Hybrid City Alliance - Focus on Travel News
8 New Members Join The Hybrid City Alliance

8 New Members Join The Hybrid City Alliance

The Hybrid City Alliance, which is founded on the principles of inclusiveness, collaboration and competence as the member cities encourage, promote and facilitate the delivery of hybrid and multi-city events, welcomes eight new members.

Antwerp, Cannes, Durban, Edmonton, Lausanne Montreux, Seoul, Sydney and Zurich join co-founding members The Hague, Ottawa, Prague and Geneva, expanding the Alliance’s reach to now include destinations across five continents.

Since its launch in December 2020, the Hybrid City Alliance has conducted a series of focus groups and discussions with a range of industry stakeholders to ensure it offers maximum value to buyers from around the world. These sessions have sought the input of end user PCOs and event organisers, to ensure the Alliance offers maximum value to clients, as well as the CVBs and other partners such as technology providers (including event platforms and AV suppliers). Output from these discussions will include a white paper due for release in the coming weeks.

It brings together like-minded destinations to offer a simple, streamlined and transparent approach to engaging with multiple locations for hybrid and multi-city events. Above all else, the combined knowledge and experience of the member cities removes barriers, offers solutions and inspires the creation of unparalleled delegate experiences. This leaves a lasting legacy in each city, whilst simplifying the role of the PCO or organiser, who is able to benefit from the shared knowledge of the members as well as their willingness to work together on a huge range of events.

The Hybrid City Alliance is partnering with ICCA and supporting their North American Summit on 30 March, 2021. This partnership will see the Alliance share case studies of recent hybrid events, assist in facilitating workshops and demonstrate the Alliance members’ position as thought leaders and experts on the subject of hybrid events.

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