Berlin To Host International AIDS Conference in 2021 - Focus on Travel News

Berlin To Host International AIDS Conference in 2021

Over 6,000 HIV experts will be gathering in Berlin’s City Cube for the 11th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Science.

From 18 – 21 July 2021, the conference the world’s most influential meeting on HIV research and its applications, brings together scientists , medical and health experts from over 140 countries to discuss critical advances in research and innovative technologies in HIV prevention. The International AIDS Society (IAS) is the largest international HIV association.

“Berlin will be host city for the IAS Conference on HIV Science 2021. The IAS decision for Berlin strengthens the German capital’s profile as a major congress metropolis”, said Iris Lanz, head of the visitBerlin Berlin Convention Office. “This also further underlines Berlin’s growing international reputation as a venue for medical congresses and events.”

To design the proposal for this renowned conference, visitBerlin and its Berlin Convention Office worked closely together with the Federal Ministry of Health, the German AIDS Society, the German Healthcare Partnership, the Berlin Senate Chancellery and other partners. In hosting the biennial IAS Conference on HIV Science, Berlin joins a list of other major cities where this event has been held, including Cape Town, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Sydney, Vancouver and Mexico City.

Berlin’s economy is increasingly benefitting from the congress sector, and has heightened its profile as a location for the important sector of medical conferences. In 2018, the medicine, pharmaceuticals, and health sector accounted for 22% of all congresses and events held in the city.

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