Coronavirus: Message from Meet in Reykjavík - Focus on Travel News

Coronavirus: Message from Meet in Reykjavík

Like the rest of the world, Meet in Reykjavík couldn’t have predicted the world moving through these odd and volatile times.

Along with other industries across the globe, the travel and hospitality world in Iceland has been significantly impacted by COVID-19. What used to be a glistening ambiance with gliding motions throughout Reykjavik is quiet and dark, much like Broadway today.

We might not know what the ripple effect is going to be for any of us, but if there’s anything we can be certain of it’s how Icelanders form a solid unity in crisis. We’re proud to see our partners and friends step up to the unimaginable while maintaining humility and strength. Icelandair strives to maintain the necessary flight connections for those needing to get back home. While Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura invites healthcare professionals to be home away from home during the pandemic.

We’re beyond grateful for the initiative ICCA has shown over the past weeks. The supportive and informative conversations we’ve had with friends and colleagues from around the world are unprecedented and inspiring. We’re also grateful for our government here in Iceland, the municipality of Reykjavík and the team that has been assigned to guide our nation and its industries during these times. Our government has announced plans to provide temporary relief to the travel and hospitality industry – including jobs.

Once the initiative has been fully executed – a thoughtful and thorough marketing campaign will be launched to applicable criteria. We’ll promote a refreshed reminder that Iceland is an important and beloved destination. The meetings and events industry will be far from overlooked. “We have every intention to hit the ground running, once things unfold and we hope that everyone will be on board”, says Sigurjóna Sverrissdóttir, Managing Director of Meet in Reykjavík.

We’re united and will await you on solid ground.

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