Global Survey Highlights Low Priority of Carbon Reduction in Events Industry - Focus on Travel News
Carbon Reduction in Events Industry

Global Survey Highlights Low Priority of Carbon Reduction in Events Industry

A recent global survey conducted by Ovation Global DMC has shed light on the concerning reality of the events industry’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

The survey findings reveal that less than 15% of current events worldwide actively prioritize and work towards achieving carbon net zero status, indicating a significant gap in sustainability initiatives within the industry.

The survey, which polled event planners and suppliers across North America, Europe, South America, Asia, and Australia/Oceania, aimed to assess the level of commitment and progress in implementing carbon reduction measures.

Key findings from the survey indicate that the events industry has a long way to go in terms of prioritizing sustainability practices:

Only 15% of events worldwide actively focus on lowering carbon emissions. These results highlight the urgent need for increased efforts in reducing the environmental impact of events.

Measuring the carbon footprint is essential for understanding how to lower emissions and offset them effectively. However, the survey found that only 38% of participants claim their company measures the overall organization’s carbon footprint, while only 33% measure the carbon footprint of the events they organize. This lack of comprehensive measurement impedes progress in achieving carbon reduction goals.

Working with sustainable vendors is an important step towards achieving Net Zero Carbon Events. However, the survey reveals that currently, only 14% of companies mandate working with vendors that actively work towards Net Zero. On a positive note, 50% of companies expressed that they are in the process of implementing measures to work with more sustainable vendors in the future, showing a growing recognition of the importance of sustainability.

The survey also explored the drivers behind companies’ efforts to achieve Net Carbon Zero Events. The key motivators were client mandates and the desire to maintain a positive image and reputation. Additionally, many organizations acknowledged the importance of attracting new customers through sustainable practices.

Internal recommendations from the survey respondents emphasized the need for systems that measure the carbon footprint of each event. Participants also expressed the potential benefits of implementing a 4-day work week and reducing short-haul air travel to further mitigate emissions.

Rutger Hoorn, VP of Sales & Strategic Partnerships at Ovation Global DMC, emphasized the events industry’s potential to drive positive change. “By embracing sustainable practices, event organizers can not only reduce their environmental impact but also inspire others to follow suit,” said Hoorn.

The results of this global survey serve as a wake-up call for the events industry. With less than 15% of events actively prioritizing carbon reduction, there is a clear need for increased sustainability initiatives and stronger commitment to achieving carbon net zero status. As the industry has the power to influence and inspire, it is essential for event organizers to take the lead in adopting sustainable practices and creating a more environmentally conscious ecosystem. By doing so, they can contribute to a greener future and set an example for others to follow.

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