Irish capital of Dublin to host SITE Global Conference in 2021 - Focus on Travel News
Dublin to host SITE Global Conference in 2021

Irish capital of Dublin to host SITE Global Conference in 2021

SITE Global Conference 2020 will take place in Vancouver, Canada and SITE Global Conference 2021 will take place in Dublin, Ireland.

Following a meeting of its International Board of Directors, SITE announced that its Global Conference 2021 will take place in Dublin, Ireland from 4-7 February 2021.

Following a competitive RFP process with seven interested destinations, the Board selected Fáilte Ireland’s ‘Meet in Ireland’ bid for a “comprehensive, wide ranging submission that plays on the narrative of Dublin as ‘our village’, offering an intimate, deep, motivational experience on a backdrop of world-class hotels and venues, great global access and immense socio-cultural appeal”. 

site logo18Commenting on the Board’s selection, Philip Eidsvold, CIS, CITP, President, SITE 2019 and VP Strategic Alliances, One10 said: “While we received several strong submissions to host Global Conference in 2021, Meet in Ireland’s proposal was distinguished by a combination of powerful logistical considerations such as Dublin’s remarkable accessibility and a true sense of partnership with the entire destination working together as a single unit in support of the bid.”

Welcoming the news Ciara Gallagher, CIS, Manager at Fáilte Ireland and lead for the Meet in Ireland submission, said, “We’re delighted to welcome SITE back to Ireland. There has always been a close relationship between Ireland and SITE going right back to the Society’s foundation in 1973 when Anne Wold Graham, an employee at the Irish Tourist Board in New York, became SITE’s first president. This was a true pan-destination submission and our entire local team is looking forward to co-creating with SITE a truly unique Global Conference with Dublin as your village”. 

Didier Scaillet, CIS, CITP, CEO of SITE noted, “SITE Ireland has become our biggest chapter outside of North America with over 120 members. With established chapters in nearby Scotland and Great Britain, resurgent chapters in Germany, Benelux, Spain and Italy and other new European chapters coming on line soon, we’re looking forward to a Global Conference in Dublin in February 2021 with a distinctive European flavour and feel”

SITE Global Conference 2020 will take place in Vancouver, Canada from 24 – 27 January 2020.

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