Sydney Joins GDS-Index Top 10 as Australia’s Most Sustainable City - Focus on Travel News
ICC Sydney received Silver Certification by EarthCheck

Sydney Joins GDS-Index Top 10 as Australia’s Most Sustainable City

Sydney has earned a coveted spot in the Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDS-Index) 2024, ranking among the top 10 cities globally and cementing its position as Australia’s most sustainable destination.

This remarkable achievement reflects the collective efforts of Sydney’s Sustainable Destination Partnership and showcases the city’s commitment to environmental stewardship and social impact.

Driven in collaboration with City of Sydney, Destination New South Wales and Business Events Sydney (BESydney), the team at International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney), managed by ASM Global, supported the city-wide showcase leveraging venue case studies of the team’s approach to strengthening communities, environmental protection and nature positive practices.

ICC Sydney CEO Adam Mather-Brown said the accolade highlights the city’s sustainability strengths and its role in achieving its global reputation.

“At ICC Sydney, our mission is to make a difference, and our approach to corporate social responsibility includes efforts to reduce our environmental footprint and provide opportunities for social impact by our organisation and in partnership with our clients.

“Through our promise to be More Than A Venue, we attract millions of people from across the globe to participate at conferences, exhibitions or entertainment events at ICC Sydney and this accolade is testament to our commitment to shaping a dynamic and sustainable destination in Sydney—for delegates to experience at our venue and beyond,” Mather-Brown said.

City of Sydney, Sustainability Engagement Coordinator spokesperson Chris Fitzpatrick said: “This achievement demonstrates the collective efforts of all the members of the Sustainable Destination Partnership. From Sydney’s major convention centre, ICC Sydney, to accommodation, attractions, and more—every partner is to be commended for their contribution in highlighting and elevating Sydney’s unique ability to support a sustainable visitor economy.”

BESydney Chief Reputation and Brand Officer, Carolin Lenehan said: “ICC Sydney is a fantastic BESydney partner leading the way for venues here in Australia, and globally. They are an important part of our city’s sustainability story, and their visionary legacy program helps event organisers build more immersive connections for their participants. Sydney is so proud to be back in the GDSI global Top 10 cities.

This ranking shows that choosing Sydney is a socially responsible move, and gives the assurance that all parts of this city are united in their approach to sustainability and social impact. Sydney is a place to meet, to engage and drive a significant change agenda and we are see it as our responsibility to play our role in elevating this capability to the world.”

As a Sustainable Destination Partner, ICC Sydney provided insights and evidence of venue management best practices that drive positive social impacts to support the City of Sydney, BESydney, and Destination NSW’s submission to the GDS Index.

As part of a recognised Green Precinct, awarded 6 stars under the Green Building Council of Australia’s Green Star Communities certification, and with a Gold LEED certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, ICC Sydney hosts a raft of key sustainability features. ICC Sydney’s social impact strategies are broad reaching, including edible centrepieces that are transformed by their inhouse chefs into meals for people in need in Sydney, post-event goods donations to local charity partners and tickets to concerts for Sydney’s youth through ICC Sydney’s IGNITE program, ensuring the arts remain accessible across diverse demographics and volunteering opportunities, among many other Legacy Program initiatives.

The GDS-Index performance improvement program assesses and accelerates a destination’s progress on its regenerative journey. Through this process, the sustainability strategies, action plans, and initiatives of more than 100 destination management organisations, municipal authorities, and their visitor economyre evaluated, measured, and benchmarked supply chains a.

As Australia’s top-ranked sustainable destination, Sydney’s elevation to the top 10 in the GDS Index is a significant step for the city’s visitor economy. Business and leisure travellers are increasingly considering sustainability when choosing destinations.

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