Glass Observation Terrace Best Suits Cappadocia - Focus on Travel News
Cam teras Kayseri Bünyan

Glass Observation Terrace Best Suits Cappadocia

Kayseri’s first glass terrace was put into service in Bünyan district. Well, wouldn’t such a project also suit Nevşehir, the capital of Cappadocia?

The addition of new facilities in the capital of Cappadocia, Nevşehir, will bring new dynamics to the region’s tourism. Being able to view natural formations in the Cappadocia region, which is part of UNESCO’s World Heritage Site and famous for its fairy chimneys, from a “glass terrace” even if it’s just from one point, being able to stand in the same square, will add a unique excitement to visitors.

The Glass Terrace project in Cappadocia will allow local and foreign tourists to have the opportunity to see the landscape, fairy chimneys, churches, and historical sites from above. While we are thinking of these, the first glass terrace in Kayseri was put into service in the Bünyan district.

“Kayabaşı Glass Observation Terrace”, which was implemented in Bünyan district, was put into service.

Kayseri Governor Gökmen Çiçek, Deputy Governor Şenol Esmer, Bünyan District Governor Turgut Gülen, Bünyan Mayor Özkan Altun and together with the provincial protocol, examined the Bünyan Glass Observation Terrace and its surroundings, the construction of which was completed in our Bünyan District.

Kayseri Governor Gökmen Çiçek invited everyone to Bünyan by sharing the promotional video of the glass terrace on his social media account.

Governor Çiçek stated the following in his sharing; “The Glass Terrace, which was built in cooperation with our Kayseri Governorship, Metropolitan Municipality and Bünyan Municipality and opened to the public after the landscaping was completed, started to overflow with visitors. We invite all our citizens to Bünyan to watch the city surrounded by greenery from the glass terrace.” said.

{source}<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”tr” dir=”ltr”>Kayseri Valiliğimiz, Büyükşehir Belediyemiz ve Bünyan Belediyemiz işbirliğinde yapılan ve çevre düzenlemesi de tamamlanarak seyre açılan Cam Teras ziyaretçilerle dolup taşmaya başladı. Yeşiller içindeki şehri cam terastan izlemek için tüm vatandaşlarımızı Bünyan’a bekliyoruz. <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Gökmen Çiçek (@gokmen_cicek_) <a href=””>June 10, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>{/source}



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