Russia Announces Turkey Holiday Prices - Focus on Travel News
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Russia Announces Turkey Holiday Prices

Russia’s Federal State Statistical Service announced holiday prices for Turkey, Greece, Spain, and Italy for 2021. 

Russia wasn’t revealing prices for Turkey since the 2015 crisis that Turkey has shootdown a Russian fighter jet in November 2015.

While Spain, France, and Greece prices have been announced as fixed since the beginning of the year, Turkey prices vary during the first four months of 2021.

Turkey holidays, on a monthly basis since the beginning of the year, respectively;  are sold for an average of 28, 29, and 30 thousand rubles.

According to a study by Turizmdatabank, in 2015, when the data was interrupted, the prices were ranging 28-29 thousand rubles.

Turkey prices; While it was 31-32 thousand Rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg, it exceeded 40 thousand Rubles in more remote areas.

During the same period in 2021, Spain’s holiday prices were 56-57 thousand Rubles, 48-49 thousand Rubles for Greece, and 69-70 thousand Rubles for France trips.

Prices for 2021 holidays abroad in Russia, Thousand Rubles


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