Turkish travelers tend to stay at home in Q2 - Focus on Travel News
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Turkish travelers tend to stay at home in Q2

The Turkish Statistics Institute (TÜİK) reveals decrease in domestic holiday spending in the second quarter of 2015. In the second quarter of 2015, a total of 10 million and 272 thousand Turkish citizens traveled within the country and spent 6.7% less compare to same period last year. Holiday spend in Q2 recorded as 4 billion 376 million and 320 thousand Turkish Liras which is approx. US$1.52 billion or €1.4 billion.

The number of Turkish travelers also decreased by22.98% from 12 million and 633 thousand to 10 million and 272 thousand people in Q2.

The one or more overnight stays also decreased by 17 percent to 13.33 million trips.

Travelers in the Q2 made 80.13 million overnight stays. The average number of overnights per trip was 6.1 and the average spend was calculated as 336 Turkish Liras. (approx. US$116 – €107)

Holiday spend was composed of both individual (91.6%) and package tours (8.4%).

The primary purpose of domestic travel for Turkish travelers was visiting relatives, with 65%, while the secondary purpose of travel was for leisure and holidays, with 17%, and third was for health or medical reasons, with 7.7%.

According to the number of overnights by type of accommodation, domestic visitors mostly stayed at the house of a friend or relative, with 59.58 million overnights, while their own homes took second place with 9.19 million overnights and hotels were third place with 6.33 million overnights, according to the TÜİK data.

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