Greeks Limit Coffee Consumption in Cafes - Focus on Travel News
Coffee at Greece

Greeks Limit Coffee Consumption in Cafes

More than half of coffee consumers in Greece said that they have limited the number of coffees drank in cafes due to the general price increase in the market, a survey carried out by Kapa research on behalf of the Hellenic Coffee Association said.

The increased coffee prices in supermarkets and cafes forced 54% of the population to cut down the number of coffees outside their homes, according to the poll.

Greeks love to enjoy their coffee at coffee shops, however, this habit has been significantly minimized due to the Covid-19 restrictions and now with price increases, reducing the number of coffee shop visits for many.

Almost 8 out of 10 consumers think that the price of coffee at a cafeterias is expensive or very expensive. In particular, 25% consider it too expensive and 52% expensive, while only 2% find that coffee outside their home as cheap.

“Yes, it’s expensive but I will not stop having it, it’s what we enjoy doing and we have stopped doing so many other things we were used to, I will stop this too?”, 35-year-old Giorgos Papadimas told Anadolu Agency (AA).

According to the survey, regarding the price of takeaway coffee, 43% consider it high and 10% very high. Only 10% find the price reasonable while 5% find the price of coffee low.

93% of the people surveyed believed that coffee has increased significantly while 80% said that coffee should not be charged with extra tax.​​​​​​​

1,003 people were interviewed by Kapa research for this survey in the 13 regions of the country between January 17 and 24.

Do you know Greece’s famous Frappe? Below is a video that you can give a try at home.

Source: AA


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