New Citizenship-by-Investment Program in Montenegro is limited to 2000 applicants - Focus on Travel News
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New Citizenship-by-Investment Program in Montenegro is limited to 2000 applicants

Henley & Partners, the leading global investment migration firm, shared the announcement by the Government of Montenegro that it will be launching a citizenship-by-investment program in October.

It follows the decision a few weeks ago by another European nation, Moldova, to award Henley & Partners the mandate to design, implement, and promote its much-anticipated Moldova Citizenship-by-Investment (MCBI) program.

The Montenegro Citizenship-by-Investment Program will be limited to just 2,000 applicants and will offer individuals several options in terms of investment, including a EUR 450,000 investment in projects in developed areas or a EUR 250,000 investment in projects in less developed areas. The government will, in addition, charge a fee of EUR 100,000 per application. The compensation will be directed to a special fund for the development of underdeveloped areas.

Dr. Juerg Steffen, Chief Operating Officer at Henley & Partners, says investment migration provides an additional source of investment liquidity that can create a healthy fiscal and economic environment in which the citizens and country can thrive. “There is fundamentally no difference between citizenship-by-investment, foreign direct investment (FDI), or investment in government securities such as sovereign bonds. In participating in these programs, individuals are able to make an exceptional economic contribution to often smaller nations that require foreign direct investment in order to remain competitive and sustainable in the long-term. It is a mutually beneficial exchange, and it is also very much the direction in which the world is heading, as globalization becomes an undeniable feature of modern life.”

Henley & Partners is looking forward to working with the Government of Montenegro to make this program a success story for the country. With Moldova and Montenegro, these two new attractive European programs will significantly diversify and expand the global citizenship-by-investment market which our firm is proud to lead,” adds Dr. Steffen.

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