Allegro trains

Almost Half Million traveled by Allegro trains

Allegro high-speed trains from St. Petersburg to Helsinki carried almost 48,900 thousand passengers during September 2019, 14.1% more than in September 2018.

During the nine months from January to September 2019, Allegro trains transported 423,900 passengers, 15.9% more than during the same period last year.

Since the launch of the international high-speed service between St. Petersburg and Helsinki on 12 December 2010, Allegro trains have carried a total of 3.7 million people.

The Company makes Allegro services more attractive to passengers by offering flexible fares and marketing initiatives, as well as by providing special dual trains with double the usual number of carriages on days of increased demand.

Passengers can obtain more information on the Allegro timetable and ticket costs and book tickets at railway ticket offices, online on the official website of the Russian Railways ( and the mobile app RZD Passengers.

When selling tickets, payments are made in roubles at the rate set by the Central Bank of Russia on the day of the registration of travel documents.

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