Bangkok's Phothalai Golf Park Installs TrackMan 4 - Focus on Travel News
Phothalai Golf Park

Bangkok’s Phothalai Golf Park Installs TrackMan 4

Phothalai Golf Park, Asia’s number one driving range is ready to take it to the next level with the latest and the best installation of the TrackMan 4.

This software is specially created to provide a new experience for golfers to round 18 holes on the driving range by simulating a virtual golf course that allows golfers to see the direction of the golf ball being hit out realistically and feel like playing a real game. Golfers are able to pick over 100 golf courses from around the world, including the Phothalai Innovation Golf Course that specially designed for all the golfers to enjoy.

The important part that differs from other usual golf simulators is that golfers will be able to put the ball into the hole just like playing in the actual game. All driving range bays that are equipped with the TrackMan 4 will prove to you that it does not matter what level challenge you are looking for because the simulator will show the most accurate results on all types of settings. Even you will get the most exact feedback your swing at our outdoor driving range and use the valid feedback.

Phothalai Golf Park is dedicated to bringing one of a kind technology to minimizing the entire golf world to you through a simulator and ready to give extraordinary experiences to all who are interested. Whether you are meeting for social interaction or doing more serious practice. This can be the best option for any sports enthusiast. We ensure that you will find a positive, healthy, and confidence-building activity that integrates all modern forms of technology and athletics awaits with our golf simulators intended to provide all customers the most rewarding and payoff that you will not want to miss out this trend. The technology is surprisingly very accurate on every aspect by its nature throughout as a whole either conditions of the golf courses, golf fields, or level of difficulties originated specifically just for you and your challenges to come!

Open Daily on Monday – Friday 09.00 – 21.00 hrs. and Saturday – Sunday and holiday 08.00 – 21.00 hrs.

For more information and reservations please call Tel. 02-508-5111

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