VR will Be the Next Trend in Tourism Advertising, but… “What is VR?” - Focus on Travel News

VR will Be the Next Trend in Tourism Advertising, but… “What is VR?”

VR stands for Virtual Reality.

A concept that can be referred to as an immersive computer-simulated experience, that emulates physical presence in real or imagined (computer-generated) places, letting the experiencer interact in those environments/worlds.

Virtual Reality artificially creates sensory experiences, which can include sight, hearing, touch, and even smell, even though the latter two would require additional gadgets.

At VR-IMMERSIVE.com, we have the capability to put all the power of VR technologies at the service of your Business, especially if it is related to the Tourism Sector.

The use of computer-generated content in every industry indicates we are in a digital age revolution. We see it in every field and more and more the boundaries between disciplines are dissolving into a single vital organism through the internet. In a sense we already have been working in a virtual reality since computers came to our homes and offices. We tap into virtual objects that appear to be buttons, we see through virtual windows and watch virtual faces telling stories through YouTube.

The “touch technology” deepens our illusion that those moving and dancing 2D objects are there but people don’t usually talk about how virtual it is already. The fact that all abstraction, -including reading an old fashioned book- is virtual reality can be a very philosophical matter. Nevertheless the advent of bigger and faster hardware lead us to the viability of more immersive and intensive technology. The term “Virtual Reality”, is then a consequence. The representation of objects and environments in a way so exact, so vivid, that they resemble reality to an extent that almost completely tricks the senses.

So, envision yourself in your new hotel. It has a wonderful view over the beach and you can see ships in the harbor, some helicopters passing by from time to time… The traffic down the 15th floor doesn’t bother much. The telephone rings and your secretary reminds you about a meeting in 15 minutes with the board of directors and some foreign advisors for your expansion plans…

Waiting for that moment you relax and gaze upon the façade of your hotel’s new building. Its sun-seeking solar panels remind you how the building is making you money while you sell energy to the grid. The nature of ambience sound reflects the silence provided by the noble materials that each beautiful and efficient room is made of. Yes, sounds great for a hotel owner but hey… The building is not built yet! You realize it is in plans over your architect’s desk. The site is on works and the previous, small old buildings are just being demolished. You have just realized you are wearing an Oculus Rift or a Samsung Gear, the VR device that lets you tap into these convincing sensations. But beyond what can be seen…. Does the building stand for the values of your hotel company? Does it really convey the image and meaning of the services you provide, in which you believe? How do you feel sitting there, walking there? This is how Virtual Reality can help you stay connected with your future goals and dreams. So with VR the word Vision, is added a new dimension, and a new instrument. Those sensations and emotions you feel while immersed in the close future can be the fuel to keep you navigating on course. Virtual Reality can be an instrument not only to change the color of a wall, but to really feel what it’s like to live in a favorable future for a moment. But once your hotel is finished, the focus also changes. We all know tourism operators and agents are people that really want to please their clients, that often, due to the purchasing power in places like China, India, North America, Europe or Japan (among many others), look for far and exotic places to go. Also people could look independently through the web for destinations, packages and prices, and many Hotels and Tourism complexes, self advertise through their official portals or webs. In any case, the inclusion of VR content adds a vital competitive advantage if a touristic attraction is going to be successful. So what if an agent, single or allied, or a hotel site operator could show a hotel lobby, room, bar, restaurant, an apartment, a loft downtown for rent, or a dream hideaway house in some far idilic area of an island from the comfort of his or her own house, just using a great VR digital platform? What if a corporation could use those services and go standard?

And what about more exclusive tourism? A 360 image of the key internal or external places of an apartment or hideaway house (e.g. “sweet spots” or “hot spots”) could be sent through the internet and downloaded easily through a compelling and easy to use interface, by anyone interested in buying or renting a property for touristic purposes. Imagine the gas saved, the time and stress avoided and the ease and immediacy of the service. Also a stunning preview of submarine beauties, or natural expeditions can be shown using VR. This doesn’t have to be fantasy, but can be a fact. We are talking about the first set of products that we currently are developing at VR-Immersive.com , a startup company funded by a young international team, that not only aims at this initial task, but to tackle more sophisticated and wide range of services related to the comming VR industry, applied to the design and real estate world including cruise boat-yacht design and building industry, architecture, and tourism.

I personally invite you to check our web: vr-immersive.com and if you are interested feel free to get in touch. I personally think that for Tourism, VR is going to be the next trend, and everybody in the industry should pay attention to the interesting development of its new applications and services. VF.

Article by Vito Ferrero

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