Hawaii Visitor Spending in June 2021 - Focus on Travel News
Hawaii tourism June 2021

Hawaii Visitor Spending in June 2021

Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) and Hawaii Tourism Authority released preliminary visitor statistics on the total number of tourist arrivals and their spending in June 2021.

The total spending for visitors arriving in June 2021 was $1.44 billion. There is no comparative visitor spending data available for the month of June 2020. Compared to June 2019, visitor spending decreased 11.9 percent from $1.63 billion.

Through the first six months of 2021, total visitor spending was $4.86 billion. By comparison, this represented a 45.1 percent decline from the $8.86 billion spent through the first half of 2019.

A total of 791,053 visitors arrived by air service to the Hawaiian Islands in June 2021, mainly from the U.S. West and U.S. East.

Prior to the global COVID-19 pandemic and Hawaii’s quarantine requirement for travelers, the Hawaiian Islands experienced record-level visitor expenditures and arrivals in 2019 and in the first two months of 2020. When compared to 2019, visitor arrivals in June 2021 were down 16.5 percent from the June 2019 count of 947,112 visitors (air and cruise). In comparison, only 17,068 visitors arrived by air in June 2020.

A total of 2,751,849 visitors arrived in the first half of 2021, up 27.6 percent compared to the first half of 2020. Total arrivals were 46.8 percent lower than the 5,171,182 visitors in the first half of 2019.

During June 2021, most passengers arriving from out-of-state and traveling inter-county could bypass the State’s mandatory 10-day self-quarantine with a valid negative COVID-19 NAAT test result from a Trusted Testing Partner prior to their departure to Hawai‘i through the Safe Travels program. In addition, individuals who were fully vaccinated in Hawai‘i could bypass the quarantine order beginning June 15, 2021. Inter-county travel restrictions were lifted also as of June 15, 2021. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) enforced restrictions on cruise ships through a “Conditional Sail Order.”

The average daily census showed that there were 255,936 visitors in Hawai‘i on any given day in June 2021, compared to 15,223 visitors per day in June 2020, versus 277,930 visitors per day in June 2019.

In June 2021, 521,796 visitors arrived from the U.S. West, well above the 10,149 visitors (+5,041.2%) in June 2020, and exceeding the June 2019 count of 452,958 visitors (+15.2%).  U.S. West visitors spent $916.4 million in June 2021, which surpassed the $691.2 million (+32.6%) spent in June 2019. Higher average daily visitor spending ($188 per person, +9.9%)and a longer average length of stay (9.34 days, +4.7%) also contributed to the growth in U.S.
West visitor expenditures compared to 2019.

There were 247,382 visitors from the U.S. East in June 2021, compared to 5,596 visitors (+4,320.8%) in June 2020, and 240,223 visitors (+3.0%) in June 2019. U.S. East visitors spent $513.3 million in June 2021 compared to $491.1 million (+4.5%) in June 2019. A longer length of stay (10.28 days, +5.6%) also contributed to the increase in U.S. East visitor expenditures. Daily spending ($202 per person) was lower compared to June 2019 ($210 per person). 

There were 1,859 visitors from Japan in June 2021, compared to 40 visitors (+4,567.3%) in June 2020, versus 126,592 visitors (-98.5%) in June 2019. Visitors from Japan spent $7.4 million in June 2021 compared to $182.0 million (-96.0%) in June 2019.

Only 627 visitors arrived from Canada in June 2021, compared to 57 visitors (+1,000.2%) in June 2020, versus 19,172 visitors (-96.7%) in June 2019.
There were 19,390 visitors from All Other International Markets in June 2021. Many of these visitors were from Guam, and a small number of visitors were from Other Asia, Europe, Latin America, Oceania, Philippines and Pacific Islands. In comparison, there were 1,226 visitors (+1.481.3%) from All Other International Markets in June 2020, versus 107,428 visitors (-82.0%) in June 2019.

In June 2021, a total of 4,804 trans-Pacific flights (+898.8% vs. June 2020, -11.0% vs. June 2019) and 994,026 seats (+799.0% vs. June 2020, -15.9% vs. June 2019) serviced the Hawaiian Islands. That included the U.S. West (835,781 seats), U.S. East (131,564 seats) and Guam (9,800 seats); and limited service from Japan (7,686 seats), Korea (2,224 seats) and Manila (927 seats).

In June 2020, there were 481 flights and 110,570 seats, with service from U.S. West (91,334 seats), U.S. East (only from Dallas, 6,318 seats), Guam (10,920 seats) and Manila (1,545 seats).

In June 2019, there were 5,399 flights and 1,182,276 seats, with service from U.S. West (784,087 seats), U.S. East (114,333 seats), Japan (155,388 seats), Oceania (40,407 seats), Other Asia (37,900 seats), Canada (16,890 seats) and Other Markets (27,398 seats).

U.S. West: In June 2021, 412,153 visitors arrived from the Pacific region and 109,636 visitors came from the Mountain region. California and Oregon had no 
travelers. In Washington, returning residents were advised to follow travel recommendations from the CDC.

In terms of accommodations, 51.8 percent of U.S. West visitors in June 2021 stayed in hotels, 20.4 percent stayed in condominiums, 11.6 percent stayed in rental homes, 11.0 percent stayed with friends and relatives and 10.8 percent stayed in timeshares.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 1,865,897 visitors from the U.S. West compared to 927,890 visitors (+101.1%) in the first half of 2020, versus 2,258,313 visitors (-17.4%) in the first half of 2019. For the first half of 2021, total visitor spending was $3.19 billion, down 7.2 percent from $3.44 billion in the first half of 2019.

Daily visitor spending in the first half of 2021 was $179 per person, up slightly from $176 per person (+1.8%) in the first half of 2019. Food and beverage, transportation and shopping expenses increased while lodging and entertainment and recreation expenses were lower compared to the first half of 2019.

U.S. East: Of the 247,382 U.S. East visitors in June 2021, the majority were from the West South Central (65,089 visitors), South Atlantic (61,212 visitors), and East North Central (42,196 visitors) regions. In New York, travelers were not required to submit traveler health forms but were advised to follow CDC travel recommendations.

In terms of lodging, 58.3 percent of U.S. East visitors in June 2021 stayed in hotels, 16.5 percent stayed in condominiums, 12.9 percent stayed with friends and relatives, 11.8 percent stayed in rental homes and 8.5 percent stayed in timeshares.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 807,922 visitors from the U.S. East compared to 523,780 visitors (+54.2%) in the first half of 2020, versus 1,186,360 visitors (-31.9%) in the first half of 2019. For the first half of 2021, total visitor spending was $1.63 billion, a decrease of 32.3 percent from $2.41 billion in the first half of 2019. 

Daily visitor spending in the first half of 2021 was $191 per person, compared to $208 per person (-8.4%) in the first half of 2019. Lodging, food and beverage, and entertainment and recreation expenses decreased while transportation and shopping expenses were higher compared to the first half of 2019.

Japan: Of the 1,859 visitors in June 2021, 1,644 arrived on international flights from Japan and 215 came on domestic flights. The Japan government required proof of a negative PCR test for all entry into Japan. In addition, all travelers, including returning Japanese nationals, were required to quarantine for 14 days.
Nearly all (95.4%) visitors from Japan in June 2021 made their own travel arrangements. In terms of lodging, 46.5 percent stayed in hotels, 28.4 percent stayed with friends and relatives, 20.8 percent stayed in condominiums, 6.8 percent stayed in timeshares and 3.3 percent stayed in rental homes.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 7,448 visitors from Japan compared to 294,295 visitors (-97.5%) in the first half of 2020, versus 734,235 visitors (-99.0%) in the first half of 2019. For the first half of 2021, total visitor spending was $27.7 million, a drop of 97.3 percent from $1.03 billion in the first half of 2019.

Canada: All 627 visitors in June 2021 arrived on domestic flights. Direct flights from Canada were suspended. Travelers to Canada, including returning Canadian nationals, were required to take a COVID-19 molecular test upon arrival, and another test toward the end of their mandatory 14-day quarantine. Prior to departure to Canada, most travelers were required to reserve a three-night stay in a government-authorized hotel. In addition, they were required to submit their travel and contact information, including a suitable quarantine plan, electronically via ArriveCAN before boarding their flight.

Most of the visitors in June 2021 were independent travelers (88.2%). In terms of lodging, 47.5 percent stayed in hotels, 18.5 percent stayed in condominiums, 16.5 percent stayed with friends and relatives, 12.6 percent stayed in rental homes and 4.8 percent stayed in timeshares.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 5,434 visitors from Canada compared to 155,821 visitors (-96.5%) in the first half of 2020, versus 315,535 visitors (-98.3%) in the first half of 2019.

Australia: There were 52 visitors from Australia in June 2021 who came on domestic flights. Direct flights from Australia continued to be suspended. In comparison there were 17 visitors in June 2020, versus 25,543 visitors in June 2019. The Australian government continued to impose a ban on all overseas travel for Australians unless an exemption was granted. 

Residents returning to Australia were required to undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine. Through the first half of 2021, there were 266 visitors from Australia, compared to 50,089 visitors (-99.5%) in the first half of 2020, versus 132,710 visitors (-99.8%) in the first half of 2019.

New Zealand: There were 226 visitors from New Zealand in June 2021 who arrived on domestic flights. Direct flights from New Zealand continued to be suspended. In comparison, there were 18 visitors in June 2020, versus 7,162 visitors in June 2019. The New Zealand government advised New Zealanders to refrain from travel overseas due to COVID-19 health risks and travel restrictions. Residents returning to New Zealand were required to complete at least 14 days of quarantine and test negative for COVID-19 before entering the community.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 703 visitors from New Zealand, compared to 10,727 visitors (-93.4%) in the first half of 2020, versus 33,167 visitors (-97.9%) in the first half of 2019.

China: There were 572 visitors from China in June 2021 who arrived on domestic flights. Direct air service from China to Hawai‘i was terminated in February 2020. In comparison, there were 28 visitors in June 2020, versus 9,119 visitors in June 2019. Chinese authorities required most passengers in June 2021 to present a negative COVID-19 test obtained within 72 hours of departure for China. All travelers, including returning Chinese citizens, were screened upon arrival and required to quarantine for 14 days at a government-selected facility at their own expense.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 1,693 visitors from China, compared to 10,003 visitors (-83.1%) in the first half of 2020, versus 53,141 visitors (-96.8%) in the first half of 2019.

Korea: There were 722 visitors from Korea in June 2021. Of that number, 488 arrived on direct flights from Korea and 234 came on domestic flights. In comparison, there were 23 visitors in June 2020, versus 16,535 visitors in June 2019. Returning Korean nationals in June 2021 who completed full vaccination and tested negative for COVID-19 (within 72 hours prior to entering Korea; and on the 6th or 7th day after entering Korea) were exempted from the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 2,429 visitors from Korea, compared to 41,672 visitors (-94.2%) in the first half of 2020, versus 110,597 visitors (-97.8%) in the first half of 2019.

Taiwan: There were 117 visitors from Taiwan in June 2021 who arrived on domestic flights. There continued to be no direct flights from Taiwan. In comparison there were three visitors in June 2020, versus 2,180 visitors in June 2019. All travelers in June 2021, including returning Taiwan nationals, were required to provide a negative COVID-19 test within three days of departure, and had to quarantine for 14 days at a designated group facility or quarantine hotel
at the traveler’s expense.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 314 visitors from Taiwan, compared to 3,463 visitors (-90.9%) in the first half of 2020, versus 14,210 visitors (-97.8%) in the first half of 2019.

Europe: In June 2021, there were 1,003 visitors from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. In comparison, 45 visitors came in June 2020, versus 8,940 visitors who came in June 2019. In Germany, returning German nationals, with proof of COVID-19 vaccination could bypass testing and quarantine, unless they returned from areas where COVID-19 variants were prevalent. Those who returned from high-risk countries were required to self-quarantine for 10 days. In the United Kingdom, fully vaccinated U.K. nationals who returned from a country not on the red travel list, did not have to self-quarantine but were required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of departure, proof of vaccination status, and complete a U.K. passenger locator form. Those not fully vaccinated were mandated to self-isolate at home for 10 days and take COVID-19 tests on the second and eighth days of their quarantine at their own expense.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 3,842 visitors from Europe, compared to 20,488 visitors (-81.2%) in the first half of 2020, versus 54,975 visitors (-93.0%) in the first half of 2019.

Latin America: There were 791 visitors from Mexico, Brazil and Argentina in June 2021, compared to 41 visitors in June 2020, versus 1,471 visitors in June 2019. In Argentina, all ports of entry remained closed to most non-resident foreign nationals. Legal residents authorized to travel were required to complete a health affidavit up to 48 hours before returning to Argentina, provide a negative COVID-19 result from a test taken within 72 hours before travel, and self-quarantine for 10 days. In Mexico, the land border between the U.S. and Mexico continued to be closed until at least July 21, 2021 to non-essential crossings, but not commerce. Returning Mexican nationals who traveled by air were subject to temperature checks and health screening. Those exhibiting symptoms may be subject to additional health screening and/or quarantine.

Through the first half of 2021, there were 2,753 visitors from Latin America, compared to 5,115 visitors (-46.2%) in the first half of 2020, versus 12,777 visitors (-78.5%) in the first half of 2019.

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