London Science Museum

London is the most Googled city in the world

London is the most Googled city in the world for art galleries, performing arts and innovative art and design, according to new insights released by London & Partners, the Mayor’s official promotional company for the city.

Search insights from Google show that London’s theatres generate more searches than those in any other city, while international searches for globally renowned museums rank the Science Museum in London as the most Googled museum in the world.

The Natural History Museum and the British Museum rank second and third according to Google, followed by The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.

The data from Google also shows that London is the most searched for city in the world to visit. Separate research published by London & Partners and MHM Insight reveal that in 2014/15 London’s museums and galleries received 17.9 million overseas visits, accounting for 57% of the total 31.5 million visits.

The number of international visitors coming to London continues to rise. Last year 17.4 million overseas tourists visited the capital. The rise in international visitors is helping to drive record audiences at the city’s museums and galleries. Research released by London & Partners and MHM Insights shows that London’s museums and galleries are attracting record numbers of visits overall and seeing a sharp rise in overseas visits.

The number of international visits at London’s museums and galleries has risen by more than 19 per cent over the last four years. The top overseas markets visiting London museums and galleries in 2014/15 show French and American visitors tied in first place, followed by Italy, Spain and Germany. Collectively these top five markets accounted for 9.7 million of the total of 17.9 million overseas visits recorded.

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