Seychelles beach

More South Africans travel to the Seychelles in 2017

More South African travelers choosed Seychelles for their holidays in 2017. According to the latest statistics released by the Seychelles Tourism Board, 15 percent more South Africans traveled to the Seychelles compare to last year.

According to David Germain, Director – South Africa & The Americas Seychelles Tourism Board (STB), arrivals captured from South Africa a source market stood at 12 039 in the first week of December, compared to 10 443 at the same time last year.

“Throughout 2017, Seychelles as a choice destination for South African travellers gained even more traction through new exposure channels, specifically TV, with the broadcast of Tropica Island of Treasure (TIOT), as well as various other TV programmes hosted by local South African celebrities and conservation teams, as well as bloggers,” says David.

According to David, these channels opened the destination up to market sectors which previously may not have considered Seychelles as a holiday destination.

He also adds that STB is anticipating even greater growth in interest in the Seychelles with the bumper festive season currently underway.

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