Visitor Arrivals and Spending Increase in Hawaii in Nov.'19 - Focus on Travel News

Visitor Arrivals and Spending Increase in Hawaii in Nov.’19

Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) announced preliminary statistics of travelers visiting Hawaiian Islands in November 2019.

Visitors to the Hawaiian Islands spent a total of $1.33 billion in November 2019, an increase of 3.4 percent compared to November 2018. Visitor spending includes lodging, interisland airfare, shopping, food, car rental and other expenses while in Hawaii.

Tourism dollars from the Transient Accommodations Tax (TAT) helped to fund a number of community events statewide during November, including the Hawaii International Film Festival, the Kauai Old Time Gathering, and the XTERRA Trail Run World Championship. Tourism dollars also helped to fund a series of symposiums statewide in partnership with Hoola Na Pua, aimed at educating Hawaii’s visitor industry about how to recognize and report sex trafficking.

In November, visitor spending rose from U.S. West (+5.3% to $563.7 million), U.S. East (+4.9% to $305.0 million) and Japan (+5.7% to $181.2 million) but declined from Canada (-2.6% to $98.6 million) and All Other International Markets (-4.6% to $173.4 million) compared to a year ago.

On a statewide level, average daily visitor spending increased (+3.3% to $197 per person) compared to November 2018. Daily spending by visitors from Japan (+3.1% to $253 per person), U.S. East (+2.0% to $222 per person), U.S. West (+2.9% to $178 per person), Canada (+4.3% to $165 per person) and All Other International Markets (+7.2% to $214) were higher than last year.

Total visitor arrivals rose 4.2 percent to 811,382 visitors in November, supported by growth in arrivals from air service (+3.7% to 794,841) and arrivals by cruise ships (+39.6% to 16,541). However, a shorter average length of stay (-4.0% to 8.31 days) by visitor from most markets resulted in no growth in total visitor days (+0.1%). The average daily census, or the number of visitors on any given day in November 2019 was 224,758 (+0.1%).

Visitor arrivals by air service increased in November from U.S. West (+4.7% to 376,997), U.S. East (+4.5% to 148,717), Japan (+3.4% to 126,961) and All Other International Markets (+4.4% to 91,457) but declined from Canada (-5.9% to 50,709) compared to November 2018.

Among the four larger islands, Oahu recorded increased visitor spending (+3.4% to $628.8 million) in November, boosted by growth in visitor arrivals (+4.6% to 470,404) and higher daily spending (+4.6%). Maui saw increases in visitor spending (+4.5% to $381.0 million), daily spending (+5.5%) and visitor arrivals (+3.0% to 233,631), as did the island of Hawaii with growth in visitor spending (+6.9% to $162.1 million), visitor arrivals (+7.8% to 132,814) and daily spending (+1.3%). Kauai recorded a decline in visitor spending (-3.7% to $137.6 million) due to lower daily spending (-2.1%) while visitor arrivals (+0.1% to 104,517) were comparable to a year ago.

A total of 1,073,083 trans-Pacific air seats serviced the Hawaiian Islands in November, an increase of 3.6 percent from November 2018. Growth in air seats from U.S. East (+9.3%), U.S. West (+8.2%) and Other Asia (+5.6%) offset decreases from Oceania (-14.3%), Canada (-12.3%) and Japan (-4.1%).

Year-to-Date 2019

Year-to-date through November, total visitor spending of $16.0 billion (+0.5%) was up slightly from a year ago. Visitor spending increased from U.S. West (+5.3% to $6.28 billion), U.S. East (+2.5% to $4.21 billion) and Japan (+0.9% to $1.98 billion), but declined from Canada (-2.8% to $945.5million) and All Other International Markets (-11.8% to $2.54 billion).

Year-to-date statewide average daily spending by visitors decreased to $195 per person (-2.2%). Visitors from U.S. East (+1.4% to $213) and Canada (+0.3% to $167) spent more per day, while visitors from Japan (-1.3% to $238), U.S. West (-0.8% to $174) and All Other International Markets (-9.7% to $217) spent less.

Year-to-date, total visitor arrivals increased (+5.4% to 9,470,706) versus last year, with growth in arrivals by air service (+5.2% to 9,339,191) and cruise ships (+18.8% to 131,515). Visitor arrivalsby air grew from U.S. West (+9.8% to 4,194,891), U.S. East (+3.7% to 2,049,703) and Japan(+3.4% to 1,408,808), offsetting fewer visitors from Canada (-1.7% to 470,914) and All Other International Markets (-2.0% to 1,214,874). Total visitor days rose 2.7 percent compared to the first 11 months of 2018.

O‘ahu recorded year-to-date increases in visitor spending (+2.4% to $7.42 billion) and visitor arrivals (+5.5% to 5,634,042), but daily spending declined (-1.9%) compared to the first 11 months of 2018. Visitor spending on Maui also increased (+1.1% to $4.61 billion) as growth in visitor arrivals (+5.1% to 2,795,637) offset lower daily spending (-1.6%). The island of Hawai‘i reported declines in visitor spending (-2.8% to $2.06 billion) and daily spending (-3.5%), but visitor arrivals increased (+3.2% to 1,600,091). Kaua‘i saw decreases in visitor spending (-5.8% to $1.73 billion), daily spending (-2.9%) and visitor arrivals (-1.5% to 1,250,458).

Hawaii waikiki beach

Other Highlights:

U.S. West: In November, visitor arrivals from the Mountain region increased 7.5 percent year-over-year, with growth in visitors from Nevada (+12.6%), Colorado (+7.9%), Utah (+6.3%) and Arizona (+5.9%). Arrivals from the Pacific region rose 5.1 percent with more visitors from California (+7.9%) and Oregon (+3.3%) offsetting fewer visitors from Washington (-2.9%).

Year-to-date through November, visitor arrivals rose from the Mountain (+10.6%) and Pacific (+10.4%) regions compared to the same period last year. Daily visitor spending dropped slightly to $174 per person (-0.8%) as a result of decreases in transportation, food and beverage, and entertainment and recreation, while spending on lodging and shopping was similar to last year.

U.S. East: In November, visitor arrivals increased from the New England (+11.8%), Mid Atlantic (+8.6%), East North Central (+7.6%), West North Central (+6.5%), West South Central (+4.8%) and South Atlantic (+4.8%) regions, but declined from the East South Central (-1.9%) region compared to a year ago.

Year-to-date through November, visitor arrivals increased from every region. Daily visitor spending rose to $213 per person (+1.4%). Lodging and food and beverage expenses increased, while transportation expenses declined compared to last year.

Japan: In November, more visitors went to multiple islands (+17.1%) year-over-year, marking the fifth consecutive month of growth in multiple-island visitation compared to the same time last year.

Year-to-date through November, stays in timeshares (+14.7%), with friends and relatives (+5.5%), in hotels (+3.0%) and in condominiums (+1.0%) increased compared to a year ago. Average daily visitor spending decreased to $238 per person (-1.3%), primarily due to lower lodging and shopping expenses.

Canada: In November, fewer visitors went to multiple islands (-4.4%) compared to a year ago. Fewer visitors purchased package trips (-3.6%) or made their own travel arrangements (-6.5%).

Year-to-date through November, fewer visitors stayed in condominiums (-6.7%), timeshares (-2.7%) and hotels (-2.2%), while more visitors stayed with friends and relatives (+8.8%) compared to a year ago. Daily visitor spending of $167 per person (+0.3%) was up slightly from last year. Spending on food and beverage increased, but lodging and shopping expenses declined.

Highlights from All Other Markets:

Australia: Visitor arrivals decreased in November (-11.9% to 19,993) and through the first 11 months of 2019 (-11.3% to 264,426) versus a year ago.

New Zealand: Visitor arrivals declined in November (-6.1% to 4,826) and through the first 11 months of 2019 (-20.3% to 67,617).

China: Visitor arrivals dropped in November (-15.7% to 5,213) and through the first 11 months of 2019 (-25.5% to 85,698).

Korea: Visitor arrivals increased in November (+17.7% to 18,561), but declined year-to-date (-3.1% to 203,958).

Taiwan: Visitor arrivals rose in November (+32.6% to 1,402) and through the first 11 months of 2019 (+52.5% to 24,194).

Europe: Visitor arrivals from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland decreased in November (-1.3% to 9,144) and through the first 11 months of 2019 (-5.0% to 127,856).

Latin America: Visitor arrivals from Mexico, Brazil and Argentina were unchanged compared to last November (1,392 visitors) but declined through the first 11 months of 2019 (-5.7% to 23,206).

Island Highlights:

O‘ahu: Visitor spending increased (+3.4% to $628.8 million) in November year-over-year boosted by higher daily spending (+4.6% to $207 per person) compared to November 2018. Arrivals rose 4.6 percent to 470,404 visitors, but a shorter average length of stay (-5.5% to 6.47 days) resulted in decreased visitor days (-1.2%). There more visitors from U.S. East (+6.7%), U.S. West (+3.7%) and Japan (+3.5%) but fewer visitors from Canada (-9.5%) compared to a year ago. The average daily census dropped 1.2 percent to 101,452 visitors in November.

Through November 2019, both visitor spending (+2.4% to $7.42 billion) and arrivals (+5.5% to 5,634,042) grew compared to a year ago.

Maui: Visitor spending rose 4.5 percent to $381.0 million in November 2019. Daily spending was higher (+5.5% to $206 per person) compared to the previous year. Visitor arrivals were up (+3.0% to 233,631) but a decrease in length of stay (-3.8% to 7.91 days) led to a slight drop in visitor days (-0.9%). There were more visitors from the U.S. West (+9.1%) and U.S. East (+3.8%) offsetting fewer visitors from Japan (-17.8%) and Canada (-4.9%). The average daily census was 61,617 visitors (-0.9%) in November.

Through November 2019, both visitor spending (+1.1% to $4.61 billion) and visitor arrivals (+5.1% to 2,795,637) increased.

Island of Hawai‘i: Visitor spending grew (+6.9% to $162.1 million) in November, supported by growth in visitor days (+5.6%) and higher daily spending (+1.3% to $165 per person). Arrivals increased (+7.8% to 132,814) with growth in visitors from Japan (+18.7%), Canada (+9.0%), U.S. West (+7.0%) and U.S. East (+6.0%). The average daily census grew 5.6 percent to 32,670 visitors in November.

Through November 2019, visitor spending declined (-2.8% to $2.06 billion), while visitor arrivals increased (+3.2% to 1,600,091) compared to a year ago.

Kaua‘i: Visitor spending declined (-3.7% to $137.6 million) as a result of decreased visitor days (-1.6%) and lower daily spending (-2.1% to $183 per person). Arrivals of 104,517 visitors (+0.1%) were comparable to November 2018. There were more visitors from U.S. West (+2.0%), but fewer visitors from Canada (-8.1%) and Japan (-3.6%). The average daily census dropped 1.6 percent to 25,034 visitors.

Through November 2019, visitor spending (-5.8% to $1.73 billion) and visitor arrivals (-1.5% to 1,250,458) decreased compared to a year ago.

Air Seats to Hawai‘i:

In November, total trans-Pacific air seat capacity statewide rose to 1,073,083 seats (+3.6%), comprised of 1,066,503 scheduled air seats (+4.1%) and 6,580 charter seats (-38.5%). There were more air seats to Kahului (+16.6% to 232,672) and Honolulu (+1.7% to 662,227), but fewer seats to Kona (-5.5% to 93,196), Hilo (-4.2% to 3,818) and Līhu‘e (-1.4% to 81,170), compared to a year ago.

  • Scheduled air seats from the U.S. West grew 8.2 percent from November 2018. Increased service from Sacramento (+75.2%), Oakland (+61.0%), Denver (+22.4%), San Jose (+21.6%) and San Francisco (+9.8%) offset discontinued service from Bellingham (-3,500 seats) and fewer air seats from Salt Lake City (-19.2%) and Portland (-4.8%).
  • Scheduled air seats from the U.S. East were up 9.3 percent in November compared to last November. The addition of service from Boston (+6,116 seats, started April 2019) and increased service from Chicago (+21.8%) and Dallas (+7.7%) offset a halt in seasonal service from Minneapolis (-2,619 seats) and reduced service from Atlanta (-14.8%).
  • Scheduled air seats from Japan declined (-4.1%) compared to November 2018. A U.S. domestic carrier discontinued service from Fukuoka in May 2019 (-4,746 seats). In addition, there were fewer seats from Osaka to Honolulu (-25.8%) as a low-cost carrier ended service and another international carrier reduced service in May 2019. Seats from Narita increased (+11.4%) with the launch of A380 service (started May 2019). • Scheduled air seats from Canada decreased (-12.3%) compared to last November, with fewer seats from Calgary (-49.5%) and Vancouver (-7.8%).
  • Scheduled air seats from Oceania dropped 14.3 percent in November, with fewer seats from Auckland, New Zealand (-12.8%). From the Australia market, there were fewer seats from Melbourne (-30.8%) and Sydney (-14.1%), while seats from Brisbane were unchanged from November 2018.
  • Scheduled air seats from Other Asia rose 5.6 percent in November year-over-year. Seats from Taipei, Taiwan were unchanged from a year ago. From the China market, there was growth in seats from Shanghai (+30.0%), but no seats from Beijing (compared to 3,081 seats in November 2018) as an international carrier ended its remaining nonstop flights in late August 2019. Seats from Seoul, Korea increased 14.2 percent compared to last November.

In the first 11 months of 2019, air seat capacity statewide increased (+2.6% to 12,366,567 seats) compared to the same period last year, with growth in seats serving Kahului (+9.8%) and Honolulu (+1.3%). Fewer air seats served Hilo (-12.9%) and Kona (-1.6%), while seat capacity to Līhu‘e (+0.1%) was similar to a year ago.

Cruise Ship Visitors:

  • In November, eight out-of-state cruise ships brought 16,541 visitors to Hawai‘i. In comparison, six ships came in November 2018 with 11,851 visitors.
  • Arrivals by air to board cruise ships increased significantly (+39.6%) compared to a year ago. November 2019 had five Saturdays which allowed for five tours of the Hawai‘i home-ported cruise ship, in comparison to November 2018, which had four Saturdays and four tours. In addition, there were 2,200 visitors who arrived by air in November 2019 then boarded an out-of-state cruise ship with a turnaround tour in Honolulu. A turnaround tour occurs when a group of passengers arrives aboard an out-of-state cruise ship and disembarks in Honolulu. The same day, a new group of passengers who flew into Honolulu will embark the ship and tour the Hawaiian Islands, with most leaving with the ship to visit the next port.
  • Total cruise visitors (arrivals by cruise ships and by air to board cruise ships) rose considerably (+43.5% to 29,772) compared to November 2018.
  • In the first 11 months of 2019, there were 131,515 visitors who entered Hawai‘i aboard 62 out-of-state cruise ships. Some of these ships were larger in capacity than the 59 cruise ships that carried 110,662 visitors in the same period last year. Total cruise visitors increased (+12.8% to 251,480) compared to the first 11 months of 2018.

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