What to Know About Visa on Arrival When Travelling Abroad - Focus on Travel News
Travelling Abroad

What to Know About Visa on Arrival When Travelling Abroad

As the world is resuming to a state of new normal, people are also gearing up to resume their travel.

The past two years have been difficult for tourism owing to the stringent regulation and widespread paranoia. Nevertheless, travel has always been a favourite pastime for many people. Though we travel for various reasons, the whole experience tends to rejuvenate us. It helps us disrupt the monotony and lowers stress. Overall, it revitalises the mind, body and soul. Most people consider travelling as an opportunity to learn about themselves. It also allows them to spend quality time with their loved ones. Be it business or pleasure; most people do have the habit of planning extensively. One of the vital and mandatory actions to undertake before a trip is to prepare extensively.

All countries have a specific set of rules that are designed to protect their citizens and visitors. It would be prudent to understand these regulations and take necessary actions. The countries are strict about these norms and do not take deviations lightly. Tourists can be fined or even jailed for failure to abide by these laws. A foremost and principal rule is to have all the documents in order. In addition to having a passport, travellers must have a proper visa. Fortunately, many countries do offer VOA or Visa on Arrival for Indians. Here are some factors that you should know about Visa on Arrival for Indians.

What is a Visa?

Visa is an official authenticating document or stamp that permits people into a foreign country. This document does have a specific validity period, and it depends on the country. Some countries offer two weeks, while some might provide visas for 90 days. It would be imperative to check the official embassy website of the country to know more. The process of obtaining a visa also differs based on the visiting region and purpose. Some countries might require tourists to submit all relevant documents well in advance. There are certain regions who will also provide Visa on Arrival for Indians and eVisa for tourists.

What is Visa on Arrival?

Some countries do offer Visa on Arrivals for Indians. The tourists can procure the visa once they land at the destination. Most airports have dedicated counters which provide the visa before immigration. The authorities would seek preliminary information such as the reason for visit, period of stay, etc. This method has been beneficial for the tourists as it helps them get the visa without any hassle. The other methods might take some waiting period which can be avoided with this method.

Which countries offer VOA for Indians?

The Ministry of External Affairs states that nearly 30 countries offer Visa on Arrival for Indians.

What are the necessary documents for VOA? 

The tourists must have an Indian passport with at least six months validity. This could be even more for certain countries. The authorities would ask for a copy of the return ticket. They might even ask for a passport-sized photograph. The cost for Visa on Arrival for Indians would differ based on the country. The tourists can pay this fee in US dollars or the local currency.

What are the precautions needed while travelling abroad?

Though travelling is a fun and exciting activity, it is pivotal to take all necessary precautions. The best way to stay ready is to get travel insurance from a reputed provider such as Care Health Insurance. This would help them to manage any unforeseeable or emergent situations effectively.

Visa on Arrival for Indians has been a boon for tourists. However, it is crucial to get all relevant information. Some countries in this list might not provide VOA for business Visa. This information will be available on the embassy’s official site. Tourists can always apply for an extension with the local embassy during their stay. Always take the necessary precautions to enjoy your vacation without any hindrances.

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