Visit Colorado Springs launched the Peak of Safety Pledge

Visit Colorado Springs Launches The Peak of Safety Pledge

Visit Colorado Springs launched the Peak of Safety campaign to unite businesses, visitors, and residents in an effort to stay safe, follow public health guidelines, and help slow the spread of COVID-19.

The Peak of Safety Pledge informs visitors on how the community is adopting practices to elevate health and safety and asks visitors to make the pledge to do their part as well.

“Our region is a popular travel destination every year, and especially this year, visitors are coming for our wide-open spaces and outdoor adventures,” said VCOS President & CEO Doug Price. “Before enjoying our great outdoors, attractions, restaurants, hotels and more, we ask that visitors and residents please take the Peak of Safety Pledge and adhere to its guidelines.”

The pledge outlines how businesses in the region are taking action, like checking staff daily for symptoms, adjusting traffic flow, cleaning and disinfecting more frequently, creating more contactless and socially distant experiences and wearing protective gear. In return, visitors are asked to properly wear a mask or face covering in public, practice social distancing, avoid crowds as much as possible and stay home when feeling sick.

By opting into the pledge via an online form, visitors and residents will be rewarded with an array of great deals and discounts throughout the region. Visit Colorado Springs members across the region are encouraged to reach out and share any deals and discounts they’d like to offer to those who take the pledge.

Busan Green and Growing

For more information or to take the pledge, please visit

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