Federcongressi&eventi confirms Alessandra Albarelli as President - Focus on Travel News
Alessandra Albarelli

Federcongressi&eventi confirms Alessandra Albarelli as President

Alessandra Albarelli has been reconfirmed as President of Federcongressi&eventi, the Italian meetings industry association.

Albarelli, born in 1971, is highly experienced in the area of destination and conference centre marketing: from 1998 to 2010, she was director of the Verona Tuttintorno consortium, of which she was also a founding partner, and since 2012 she has been Congress Manager at exhibition and conference centre group Riva del Garda Fierecongressi. Alessandra is also Project Manager of the Trentino Convention Bureau and the Riva del Garda MICE Product Club. Her first mandate was marked by significant milestones, such as Federcongressi&eventi’s contribution to the foundation of the Rome & Lazio Convention Bureau, the renewal of the agreement between Federcongressi&eventi and FISMthe Italian Federation of Medico-Scientific Societies, and the inclusion of Food for Good, the project to recover uneaten food during events, among European best practices to combat food waste.

I would like to thank the members of Federcongressi&eventi for the trust they have shown in me. I am proud of the results achieved by the Association, and am ready to take up the new challenges with the support and contribution of the new Executive Committee”, commented the newly-confirmed President, Alessandra Albarelli. “The objectives I have set myself for my second mandate are to consolidate the association’s activities by effectively coordinating internal working groups, and to oversee all the strategic areas of interest for the application of the CME Manual. Our energy and commitment will also be focused on supporting the development of regions as MICE destinations, and strengthening relations between all players in the value chain, to ensure the association increasingly provides opportunities for professional and business growth. The renewal of my mandate comes at a time of change at the helm of institutions: I will therefore work to build relationships with the new ministers and the new heads of organisations whose activities are related to those of the conferences and events sector”.

The new Executive Committee

As well as the President, the members also elected the Executive Directors for the three-year period 2019-2022. They are: Carla Sibilla, Genoa Convention Bureau for the Destinations and venues category; Giulio Ferratini, Centro Congressi Internazionale for the Conferences and events organisation category; Paolo Novi, Integrare for the Services and consultancy category, and Alberto Iotti, Runtimes, Head of CME (Continuing Medical Education) Providers.

The remaining three members of the Executive Committee were elected without representation duties: Nazzareno Giarola, Veronafiere. Marica Motta, AIM Group International and Pietro Piccinetti, Fiera Roma.

The new Executive Committee chaired by Alessandra Albarelli will elect the Vice-President from among its members at its first meeting.

Auditor and Arbitrators

Daniela Senlis Manferrari was appointed as the Statutory Auditor, while the new Board of Arbitrators will consist of Marisa Sartori (Sistema Congressi), Cristiana Fiandra (The Office) and Sergio Moscati (Concerto).

All the mandates (President, Executive directors, Statutory Auditor and Arbitrators) are for three years.

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