ITB Berlin Pioneers Fresh Global Vision with the "Together" Campaign - Focus on Travel News
ITB Berlin

ITB Berlin Pioneers Fresh Global Vision with the “Together” Campaign

Under the dynamic banner of #ITBTOGETHER, the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show is set to roll out an all-new B2B campaign.

This initiative is poised to make its grand debut at ITB Berlin in September 2023, before turning into a global force next year. Advertising for the subsequent trade events in international hotspots – Singapore, Shanghai, and Mumbai, will be imbued with fresh motifs.

These innovative graphics are primed to grace ITB’s in-house communication mediums as well as the print and online iterations of top-tier trade magazines. The overarching theme of unity and togetherness aptly captures the very essence of the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show, which stands as a beacon for global convergence.

Deborah Rothe, director of ITB Berlin, passionately elaborated on this vision, stating, “Our ultimate aim is to unify the global sectors of travel, tourism, and hospitality at diverse locations across the globe. This revamped campaign aptly resonates with this aspiration and I am confident that it will significantly elevate our trade expos to be the pinnacle events in the industry’s calendar.”

Crafting these evocative campaign designs is the handiwork of the Munich-based firm, Rupp Public Relations. Their creative direction zeroes in on atoms, painting them as fundamental building blocks that incessantly whirl around, coalescing into larger molecules and organisms. This vivid imagery is beautifully paired with messages like ‘DEFINE THE WORLD OF TRAVEL. TOGETHER.’, a slogan for the Berlin event. The term ‘together’ forms the bedrock of the entire campaign, being consistently featured across its facets. Additionally, specific event details and logos, such as the acknowledgment of Oman as the Official Host Country for ITB Berlin, have been tastefully integrated.


The campaign is a feast for the eyes with its kaleidoscope of colors and iconic motifs. For instance, ITB Berlin’s portrayal includes the renowned Berlin Radio Tower, a sweeping wave, airborne balloons, and imagery denoting key themes like digital innovation, environmental sustainability, and overarching transformation. The expos in Singapore, China, and India are set to flaunt symbols true to their locales. These range from a quintessential Indian boat and a majestic Chinese dragon sculpture to the distinctive skyline of Singapore’s Marina Bay.

Natascha Rupp, the dynamic managing director of Rupp Public Relations GmbH, shared her enthusiasm, “Since our inception in 2016, I’ve been an ardent admirer of ITB. Every ITB Berlin edition has seen me in attendance. It’s exhilarating to now collaborate closely with ITB Berlin, breathe life into the ‘Together’ campaign, and globally rejuvenate it from 2024 onwards.”

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