Top 20 US Cities Hosting Top 250 Conventions in 2022 - Focus on Travel News
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Top 20 US Cities Hosting Top 250 Conventions in 2022

Utilizing the Meeting Information Network (MINT+) events database, Simpleview, a leading global technology and software provider for the meetings and events industry, and Destinations International, the global trade association for convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs), identified the destinations that will be hosting the Top 250 conventions in 2022.

The Top 250 conventions have at least 3,000 rooms on peak night and change meeting locations. Orlando will host the largest number of the top 250 events, followed by Chicago, San Diego, and Las Vegas.

Health, medical, and pharmaceutical meetings comprise 31% of planned events, followed by technology, science, and engineering, accounting for 18% of meetings set to occur this year. 

In 2022, over one third of the Top 250 conventions are scheduled to meet in Q2, followed by 23% in Q4.

top20 event cities US 2022

Simpleview and Destinations International created a partnership in the MINT+ database in 2020 in order to continue our commitment to growth and development to support industry customers and stakeholders. The MINT+ database served as the main data source for the Top 250 conventions report.

“Simpleview’s investment in the database and technology improvements, including automated reporting and standardized market segmentation, has been critical to transforming one of the destination marketing organization (DMO) industry’s most valuable tools. We are committed to its continued growth and development to support our customers and stakeholders,” said Ryan George, CEO of Simpleview.

“It is exciting to not only be able to track these trends, but to also quantify that the meeting sector is contributing highly to the rebound,” said Don Welsh, president and CEO of Destinations International.

“We are proud to partner with Simpleview for MINT+ and know its impact will continue to support our members around the world.”

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