
Kamil Koç starts bus services from Istanbul and Bursa to Greek cities

The first bus company of Turkey, Kamil Koç Buses Inc. started a new service from Istanbul and Bursa to Greece. The new bus service departing from Istanbul travels to Athens, Alexandroupolis, Komotini, Xanthi, Katerini, Kavala, Larissa, Lamia, Sapes, and Thessaloniki. Buses departing from Bursa travel to Alexandroupolis, Komotini, Sapes, and Xanthi.

Kâmil Koç serves in 66 cities, 310 districts and 807 points of sale with more than 4600 employees and with its modern fleet of 868 vehicles. It makes 1400 main departures and offers service to 60,000 passengers daily. It makes approximately 410,000 trips and transports more than 15 million passengers annually.

For ticketing please visit kamilkoc.com.tr

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