Madrid Tourism Booms: June 2023 Sees Highest Number of Travelers - Focus on Travel News

Madrid Tourism Booms: June 2023 Sees Highest Number of Travelers

Madrid welcomed 890,031 visitors in June, marking the highest figure for 2023, according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

The number of guests accommodated is just 2.3 percentage points off from the best June on record (in 2019) since the data started being recorded.

As per the INE survey, the number of travelers increased by 12.3% compared to June 2022, and overnight stays increased by 8.3%. Both percentages are significantly higher than the average for Spain, which recorded an increase of 4.7% in travelers and 3.3% in overnight stays in June.

On an annual basis, adding up the last twelve months to June 2023, the number of travelers was close to 9.4 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 27.4%, above the Spanish average of 20.7%.

Almudena Maíllo, the councilor delegate of Tourism, highlighted that Madrid’s policies of decentralization and deseasonalization of tourism are yielding results. She pointed out that “the Madrid City Council’s strong commitment to the tourism industry has allowed the sector to emerge from the pandemic crisis strengthened and with good growth prospects.”

Maíllo stressed that the level of occupancy of hotel spaces has grown more than 3 points compared to June 2022. More significantly, employment in hotel establishments grew 21.5% on an annual average, according to INE, reaching 12,650 workers.

Madrid’s hoteliers have responded enthusiastically to the surge in tourism, implementing innovative strategies to appeal to a broad range of travelers. The majority of visitors in June hailed from Europe and North America, signaling renewed confidence in international travel.

Promotional strategies have been a significant factor in Madrid’s tourism boom. Many hotels have offered special rates and packages, including exclusive experiences that allow visitors to delve into Madrid’s rich history and vibrant culture.

Looking ahead, the tourism industry remains optimistic for the rest of 2023. With the end of last pandemic measures and a line-up of exciting events in the coming months, Madrid’s hotels are well-prepared to welcome even more visitors.

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