Why the Republic of Georgia should be your next destination? - Focus on Travel News
Batumi, Georgia

Why the Republic of Georgia should be your next destination?

When mentioning the word, Georgia, most people will think about the United States Georgia, and not a small country tucked away in the Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe.

Although, the US Georgia is able to provide ample possibilities for tourism, the Republic of Georgia is able to provide an experience you’ve never seen before. A melting pot of Western and Eastern civilizations, compressed in a tiny speck of land, just south of Russia.

There are numerous reasons why Georgia should be on your bucket list for countries to visits. Let’s try to dissect them one by one.

Summer & Winter vacation combined

Georgia is famous for having some of the best Winter holiday locations deep in its mountains to the North. The small country is able to provide 3 great destinations for skiing and snowboarding lovers. The mountains also act as amazing destinations in the Summer for those who like to hike and get lost in nature. In fact, Georgia is dotted with amazing natural landscapes, both mountainous and valleys. But what helps the country stand out is its combination of the two seasons.

It is actually possible to go skiing in the morning to a mountain nearby the capital and be able to enjoy a seaside beach in the evening, without even having to fly. This combination has been a deal-maker for many a tourist that visited the country.

Svaneti Georgia

Your adventure in the Georgia Las Vegas

Georgia currently has multiple sea resorts, but only 1 of them is able to stand out for international visitors. Batumi has been labelled, multiple times as the Georgia Las Vegas, thanks to its amazing stony beaches and numerous 5-star Hotels and Casinos. Most of the tourists visiting this city are from Russia and Turkey, that indulge themselves in the cheap luxury that the city can provide.

In fact, Batumi has been included in the list of best cities to visit for players. Thanks to the hundreds of alternatives to have fun with, gambling activities in Batumi are probably the safest among its competitors, due to healthy distractions. But, no matter where you go in the city, you’re destined to encounter at least 1 casino. It’s recommended to find a Casino near a Georgia Restaurant, as the smell of the amazing food is guaranteed to draw you out.

georgian food samples

Foodies beware

Foodies, no matter how devoted to enjoying delicious meals every day, sometimes find Georgian cuisine overwhelming. With filling dishes such as the cheesy Khachapuri and the Savoury Khinkali, food lovers will feel like they’ve reached heaven, and might not want to go back home!

Wine lovers will also find Georgia as their “long lost home” as the country has been confirmed to have invented Wine in the first place. All in all, the cuisine can be described in 3 words:

  • Wine
  • Cheese
  • Pastry

Just seeing these 3 words together should interest any Wine lover in the world. The flavours and brands are so unique, that every sip of new wine feels like a different adventure.

georgia wines

Budget travel

Georgia is one of the cheapest countries you can travel to. Probably the most expensive parts of it are the flight tickets. The rest is a Budget traveller’s dream. Getting an apartment for a night in Tbilisi, the capital costs approximately $25, near the centre nonetheless. Hostels usually charge between $30-$35 a night, and transportation is virtually free. A meal for 4 people can cost as little as $40 in a Georgian Restaurant.

Overall, if you’re looking for a completely new experience for a nice price, Georgia should be on your list of options.

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