Accessible Tourism


What is Accessible Tourism?

Accessible tourism, also known as inclusive tourism, is an evolving approach within the travel industry that aims to ensure tourist destinations, services, and products are accessible to all people, regardless of their physical limitations, disabilities, or age. This concept encompasses a wide range of considerations, from physical accessibility of locations and facilities (such as hotels, attractions, and transport services) to the accessibility of information and communication, as well as the provision of services that cater to the needs of travelers with various types of disabilities.

The goal of accessible tourism is to make travel experiences enjoyable and feasible for everyone by removing barriers that might prevent individuals from participating fully in tourism activities. This includes not only those with mobility, vision, hearing, or cognitive impairments but also older individuals and families traveling with young children or individuals with temporary injuries.

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Accessible tourism emphasizes the importance of dignity, equality, and safety for all travelers, promoting the idea that enjoying travel should be a universal opportunity. It requires collaboration and commitment across all levels of the tourism industry, from government agencies and policy makers to tourism operators and service providers, to implement the necessary changes and accommodations.

By focusing on inclusivity, accessible tourism not only enhances the travel experience for individuals with disabilities but also opens up new markets for the tourism industry and contributes to the social and economic inclusivity of communities worldwide.

The World Health Organization (WHO, 2023) reports that approximately 1.3 billion people, which is about 16% of the world’s population, live with significant disabilities.

Ensuring these individuals have access to tourism facilities, products, and services is essential for any tourism policy that aims to be responsible and sustainable. Accessibility transcends the realm of human rights; it presents a substantial opportunity for destinations and businesses to welcome all visitors, thereby increasing their revenue.

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Interesting to note is that nearly half of individuals over the age of 60 experience some form of disability, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA, 2022). Furthermore, research by Bowtell (2015) indicates that travelers with disabilities often do not travel alone; they are likely to be accompanied by two to three companions. Additionally, in developed economies, two-thirds of people with disabilities have the financial resources to travel, highlighting a significant and often overlooked market segment within the travel industry (Bowtell, 2015).

How can tourism become more accessible?

Making tourism more accessible involves a multi-faceted approach that requires cooperation and commitment across the entire tourism industry. Here are several strategies that can help make tourism more accessible for everyone:

1. Infrastructure Improvements

  • Adapt Physical Environments: Ensure that transportation, accommodations, attractions, and public spaces are designed or retrofitted to accommodate people with various disabilities. This includes wheelchair-accessible entrances, restrooms, and pathways, as well as tactile guides for visually impaired individuals.

2. Enhanced Information Accessibility

  • Provide Information in Multiple Formats: Offer tourism and travel information in accessible formats, such as braille, large print, audio descriptions, and easy-to-read language, to cater to the needs of all travelers.
  • Develop Accessible Websites and Apps: Ensure online resources are designed following web accessibility guidelines, allowing users with disabilities to obtain information and make bookings with ease.

3. Training and Awareness

  • Staff Training: Train staff in the tourism industry on disability awareness and how to provide assistance to travelers with different needs, ensuring respectful and effective communication and service.
  • Promote Disability Awareness: Run awareness campaigns to educate the public and industry stakeholders about the importance of accessible tourism and the specific needs of travelers with disabilities.

4. Policy and Regulation

  • Implement and Enforce Accessibility Standards: Develop comprehensive accessibility standards for the tourism industry and enforce compliance to ensure facilities and services are genuinely accessible.
  • Incentivize Accessibility Improvements: Offer incentives, such as tax breaks or grants, to businesses that make significant improvements to accessibility.

5. Collaboration and Inclusion

  • Involve People with Disabilities in Planning: Actively involve individuals with disabilities in the planning and decision-making process for tourism development to ensure their needs are adequately met.
  • Collaborate Across Sectors: Encourage collaboration between governments, private sector stakeholders, disability organizations, and travelers themselves to share best practices and work together on improving accessibility.

6. Marketing and Product Development

  • Develop Accessible Tourism Packages: Create travel packages and itineraries that are specifically designed to be accessible, ensuring that accommodations, transport, and activities included are all accessible.
  • Market to Travelers with Disabilities: Recognize people with disabilities as a valuable market segment and tailor marketing efforts to highlight accessibility features and services.

By implementing these strategies, the tourism industry can move towards greater inclusivity, ensuring that travel is accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. This not only expands the market for tourism providers but also promotes a more inclusive society.


List of Leading Organizations in Accessible Tourism


World Institute on Disability (WID)

Focuses on a broad range of issues affecting people with disabilities, including accessible tourism.

Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality (SATH)

Works to raise awareness of the needs of all travelers with disabilities, promoting accessible travel.

Tourism for All (UK)

A UK charity dedicated to making travel and tourism accessible to everyone, providing information and services for travelers with disabilities.

Wheelchair Travel

Founded by John Morris, this platform shares accessible travel resources and personal travel experiences from a wheelchair user’s perspective.

European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT)

Works to make European tourist destinations, products, and services accessible to all visitors and to promote accessible tourism around the world.

ONCE Foundation for Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities –

It is a Spanish organization dedicated to promoting the social inclusion, accessibility, and employment of people with all types of disabilities.

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